Bargain Art Prints
Why pay more!

Mara Abboud
Mara Aboud, Persian Cat
Persian Cat 31x30.5
Mara Aboud, Calico Cats
Calico Cats 34.5x34.5
Mara Aboud, Persian Hounds
Persian Hounds 33.5x24
Mara Aboud, Leopard
Lepoard 36.5x30
Mara Aboud, Unicorn
Unicorn 34x26
Persian Hounds   Large Format  Original Serigraph 48.5"x38   Vertical    $595.
"Persian Cat"
Original Lithograph on Paper   $195
S&H $25.

"Calico Cats"
Original Lithograph on Paper   $195
S&H $25

"Persian Hounds
Original Lithograph
on paper
Large Format
48.5x38   $395.
S&H $55

"Unicorn" Original Serigraph on Paper, $95   S&H $25

"Persian Hounds"  Poster $35   S&H $15

"Leopard" Poster $15
S&H $15

Mara has lived in Italy, Turkey, North Africa and India, and her paintings combine the brilliant colors, the intricate patterns and feelings reminiscent of the mosaic and tile work that form much of the artistic wealth of these places.
Mara has had numerous One-Woman shows , and all of them have been total sell outs. Her marvelous patterns and colors form themselves into the kaleidoscope effects which characterize her work.
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