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Dolona Roberts
Dolona Roberts, Pueblo, Indians, Baskets and Blankets
Baskets &Blankets on Paper 42x31 $595
Dolona Roberts, Pueblo, Indians, Bright Blankets
Bright Blankets on White Paper 38x36 $595
Dolona Roberts, Pueblo, Indians, New Traditions
New Traditions on Paper 42.5x30.5 $595
Dolona Roberts, Pueblo, Indians, Plaza Women
Plaza Women on Paper 30.5x41 $595
Dolona Roberts, Pueblo, Indians, Baskets and Blankets
Baskets & Blankets Rice Paper 42x36 $750
Dolona Roberts, Pueblo, Indians, Bright Blankets
Bright Blankets on Cream Paper 38x36 $695
Dolona Roberts, Pueblo, Indians, Plaza Women
Plaza Women on Rice Paper 33x41 $750
Original Serigraphs  Signed & Numbered
Dolona Robert's trademark is her portrayal of the backs of Indian women draped in colorful and intricately designed blankets.  The blankets are not meant to be lietral representation of actual designs but unqiue patters of her own creation.  Each blanket is a combination of geometric forms including stripes, zigzags, and diamonds.  The fact that no two are alike is a testimony to her skill in arranging patterns, colors, movement and form.
A characteristic common to her images in the "Blanket Series" is that the faces of the INdians are always turned away from the observer.  This expresses the mystical quality of the Pueblo Indian rituals and designates that the viewer is a spectator rather than a participant in these ceremonies.
The "Blanket Series" has brought Dolona Roberts to prominence in the art world.
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